The Mindset Shift That Will Transform Your Lifting
Embracing Feedback (And the Power of Vulnerability)
We all want to be coachable athletes. We hire coaches because we crave their knowledge and guidance. But even with the best intentions, hearing feedback can sometimes hit a nerve. Whether it's a technique tweak or a push to dig deeper, our initial response can propel our progress forward, fast or stop us in our tracks.
Feedback: Your Secret Weapon for Growth
The truth is, feedback is a non-negotiable ingredient for improvement. Athletes who actively embrace it – even when it stirs uncomfortable emotions – will see their weightlifting journey accelerate. However, if we get defensive or take things personally, we miss out on crucial information that could unlock our potential.
The Power of Vulnerability: It's Okay to Not Be Okay
As both an athlete and a coach, I've seen the transformative power of vulnerability. There were days when I was a sponge for feedback, and others where even a simple cue felt overwhelming. The key for me was learning to be honest with my coach about my headspace.
Before tough sessions, we'd set clear intentions. "Today, I just need to nail the basics," or "I'm ready for that in-depth analysis." I'd avoid getting deep into technical feedback during the workout when the weights felt heavy or my mind was elsewhere. This allowed me to stay focused on my physical effort during the session. Afterward, when I had the mental space, I could process feedback constructively and focus on areas for improvement.
The Cost of Closed-Mindedness: Stagnation, Frustration, and Missed Opportunities
When we shut down, we create a vicious cycle. Progress stalls, frustration mounts, and we might even damage our relationship with our coach. Becoming aware of our internal dialogue is key. If that voice screams "I AM TRYINGGG!" when a coach offers a cue, it's time for a self-check. Acknowledge your current state and let your coach know. Honesty like "I'm having a rough day, bear with me," can make a world of difference & allow your coach to offer more support.
Feedback: Beyond Just Technique
Exceptional coaches provide feedback that encompasses all aspects of your performance. They'll address your preparation, consistency, and mindset – because these directly impact your results. If you're vocal about big goals but struggle to attend sessions or fuel properly, your coach is there to help realign your actions. Remember, they want you to succeed! It can be uncomfortable hearing that you’re not prepared, or you constantly missing sessions in impeding upon your results; but it can also reflect back to you the changes you may need to implant or allow your coach to adjust their approach to keep you on the right track.
Coaches Get It, and They're Your Biggest Fans
Remember, coaches are humans too! They understand the challenges and celebrate your wins. They do their best to tailor their approach to your needs. What they can't do is read minds. Open communication is how you build the most productive relationship. Make use of those weekly recaps, send honest updates, and request a one-on-one chat to problem-solve together if you feel like you need a deep dive.
Remember, training involves so much more than the weights on the bar. Your mindset, emotions, and how you navigate them play a pivotal role in your progress. Being open and honest with your coach allows them to tailor their support to where you're at on any given day. Sometimes, acknowledging a ‘bad day’ is an act of self-awareness that leads to greater gains in the long run & a closer relationship with your coach.
At MWBC, we understand this dynamic. We're committed to guiding athletes like you toward a mindset where feedback becomes a tool for growth, not a source of frustration.
-Coach Caity