Why you should leave your phone in your gym bag!
We are ripe in the age of phone addiction and ‘doom scrolling’ on social media, so use your training sessions as an opportunity to disconnect from your phone.
We all know the feeling of dread when your phone decides to share your weekly screen time with you, so give yourself the opportunity to reduce this by leaving your phone in your gym bag when you train.
Your thumbs are for hook grip, not for scrolling!
Why should you bother?
Because your phone is a distraction to your progress
We’re all guilty of it, doing a set and then hopping onto Instagram while we rest… all of sudden it’s been 5+minutes and you’ve cooled down. Putting yourself at a much higher risk of injury when you attempt your next set!
Next thing you know, your 90-minute session has taken you 2+hours because of these social media breaks between sets, seriously decreasing the quality of your sessions.
Be present at training and give yourself the best opportunity to learn and improve!
“But but but… what if I want to film my sets? ”
If you are a remote athlete then this is a necessary part of your training so fair enough!
However, filming each set and then reviewing it immediately after isn’t healthy. The reviewing is your coaches job, not yours! So let them do it (or watch them AFTER your session has been completed!).
“I need to time my breaks/sets/I’m doing an EMOM!”
Great! Timing your breaks is the best way to make sure your sessions aren’t going overtime and that you aren’t getting cold between sets.
However, the temptation to respond to that notification or to head over to Facebook while you’re watching the clock can sometimes be too much… So, pop your phone onto Aeroplane mode and focus on your session.
“But how else am I meant to read my program? ”
Yeah nice try!
There’s a reason you have a training journal to scribe your program into.
Stop being your worst enemy by using your phone to read your program and invest in a book. (This also gives your coach an opportunity to review your program each session!).
-Coach Ari